Barcode Scanning GS1 QR Code is a variant of QR Code that conforms to GS1 specifications. It was designed specifically for sharing extended packaging information, such as lot number, product ID, and quantity. GS1 QR Code inherits the specifications for its character set and dimensions from QR Code. It can be printed in black on a white background or in white on a black background. QR Code is defined in ISO/IEC 18004 Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - QR Code 2005 bar code symbology specification. The GS1 implementation is defined in the GS1 General Specifications document. A GS1 QR Code symbol always begins with the Function Code 1 (FNC1) character and uses application identifiers to separate different types of data within the barcode. Data is stored in "modules" (square dots) in the data area as binary information. Each black module represents a binary 1, and each white mod…

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