Smart Glass Technology Smart Glass is a laminated glass product consisting of a Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) film sandwiched between two layers of glass and two layers of EVA Film interlayers. The PDLC film is what allows you to change the visual appearance of the glass from opaque to clear on command (or dim anywhere in between). Electrically Smart glass  Advantages 1.Privacy and security with architectural integrity 2.Ultraviolet radiation protection 3.Day-lighting control 4.Solar heat-gain control 5.Replacement for whiteboards and projection screens 6.Eliminates need for shutters, blinds, and drapes 7.Liquid crystal components are organic and biodegradable 8.Blocks over 80% of infrared and over 99% of ultraviolet radiation 9.Reduces solar heat-gain, lowering energy consumption 10.Very low power consumption(equivalent to a clock radio) 11.Reduces materials-consumption used to make curtains, shutters, blinds, proje…

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